Soul Patch

Pregnancy, self-service vasectomies, and the nightmare of placental delivery.

Posted in crowning,Everything,hawt,kill me now,placenta,pregnant,vagina,vasectomy by patch on August 12, 2006

What is it about pregnant women that is so attractive? I don’t ask that like, “OMG, if I see another bun in the oven I’m gonna snip myself right here in the Automotive aisle at Walmart.” I mean, “Yowza, that is one f-i-n-e lookin’ filly there!” Is it some primal awakening that says this one’s good for breeding? Is it the swelling breasts that show fertility and care and rearing ability? Is it that I’ve enjoyed stumbled across too many preggo porn sites? 😯
Well, we’ve done pregnancy…up for the rest?